Data Security For Travelers

Data Security For Travellers

One of the scariest most issues faced by many today is the possibility of having our online accounts hacked and our identity was stolen right under our noses. We would not know until the damage is done as most of us are not very diligent when it comes to using sophisticated technological devices. That’s why data security is so much important.

Our notebooks, smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices make our lives easy but there is a hidden danger which we are aware of but take too lightly. If we are traveling and are exposing ourselves to different locations and use Wi-Fi that would not be well secured we could be jeopardizing our security.

We need to take optimum precautions especially using our mobile devices to transfer money when traveling it could leave that window of opportunity for criminals to hack our accounts. Hacking our social media sites would not harm us much as we could change our passwords or in the worst scenario shut them down, but when our bank and other monetary accounts are hacked it would be kaput.

There are hackers with their fingers on their online devices waiting patiently till we make that crucial mistake and when we do they could grab whatever they could and vanish into thin air. This is the level of sophistication that hackers have elevated themselves to, and hence being diligent at all times is imperative.

The issue becomes more necessary when we are traveling the world.

The following tips should apprise us about the need for Data Security and ensure that we follow strict guidelines and ensure we do not get ourselves entangled with such unscrupulous moves by criminals. Here are some data security best practices.

#1. Use incognito mode while using public computers

There was a time a few years ago that everyone rushed to an internet café to send and check emails, speak on skype with their loved ones and perform, a host of other activities.

Criminals were not as sophisticated then as they are now, and internet cafes which were proliferating everywhere in the east and the west waned off gradually with the advent of the mobile devices. Mobile devices have proliferated and today few would step into an internet café because they are able to do most of what they want to online by tapping into their mobile devices.

Even if you use public computers it is advised to use Incognito Mode for data protection.

#2.Limiting  the use of public Wi-Fi unless it is necessary

Public Wi-Fi at airports, train stations, bus stations, supermarkets, etc are convenient but these are the very places that criminals like to work, and you would not be aware of. A hacker may be seated right next to you, and you would be oblivious to what he would be doing because he would be just like any other person seated with their laptops and other devices. Hackers steal in not hundreds but in millions hence their lifestyle would also be in that caliber and seeing them seated next to you they may look like respectable corporate executives. They are professionals in their line of business and that is hacking so you would need to have your wits about yourself if you are top thwarted any intrusions into your accounts. Once they get into your accounts they could strip you naked and siphon all of which you have earned over the years.

#3. Maintaining backups though it may be cumbersome

Maintain backups at all times through this would seem quite cumbersome to manage it may be a prerequisite if you are to survive if a hacker gets into your account. Backups of everything that you have online would need to be locked and kept secured because you may not know when you would need it. We tend to forget our own home telephone number because we depend on Artificial Intelligence for everything today.

If you are hacked or have no access to your own information then you would be looking up the gum tree, stunned and devastated. This has happened to many it is not a prophesy, hence it is said that “prevention is better than cure”, be prepared for the unexpected at all times.  You would not know when you would need it and when you do without a backup you may be lost in the wilderness. Thus, maintaining backups will result in data loss prevention.

#4.Protecting your mobile devices

Ensure that your laptop, smartphone, tablet or any other mobile device that you may use does not leave your person even for a second. This is better said than done, as it would be one thing which is humanly impossible because mobile devices are lost in the thousands worldwide. If it is a genuine loss and falls into the hands of someone who cannot cause you much harm well and good. On the contrary, if it is stolen purposely targeting you specifically to steal your data then you are in trouble.

#5.Tracking if  data device is stolen

There is ample software which could track your mobile device, but you need to download those apps before you lose your device. The app would tell you where your device is and you could retrieve it but all stories don’t have happy endings. Your device could fall into the wrong hands and if you have downloaded the app you could have all the data destroyed the very next time the device is connected to the internet.