What is Gutenberg

What is Gutenberg
What is Gutenberg

That day I saw an entirely new Word Press editor. I was initially surprised but later I came to know that Word Press has done a massive change in it’s editor.  Gutenberg is the first step towards a whole new Word Press editing experience. 

When you open Gutenberg you may see things that you haven’t seen in your Classic Word Press editor. What you have in Gutenberg is a clean writing environment with great typography. On the right hand side you are allowed to open document block wise. At this point you might think of switching to your Classic editor.

People often find it challenging to change their ways so fast. This is because they are already accustomed to the Classic editor.

What is special in Gutenberg?

In Gutenberg everything is a block.  By using the block concept you can now determine what part each content is.  And you can define specifications per block opposed to changing the whole file in the previous editor.

You can add a block for various types of content.  Some of the most used blocks are for

  1. Paragraph

  2. Image

  3. Heading

  4. Gallery

  5. List

  6. Quote

  7. Audio

  8. Cover Image

  9. File

After adding the block you may want to edit as HTML or edit visually. You may also want to insert Before or After a block. Another thing you can do it to add the block to reusable blocks. You can even think about removing the block.

Reusable Blocks

This is one great thing about Gutenberg blocks. Think that you have completed the block and saved it its settings as a reusable block. After that you can Add Block -> Saved to pick your reusable block.  

These are some of the cool features of the Gutenberg editor.  Although I am still using the classic editor I try to practice Gutenberg whenever I get time.